

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Where did June go? On to July...

The World Cup started! Can you tell who we are rooting for? Vamos Argentina!! I have yet to watch a game, but I'm still supporting Argentina. At least I know they are doing well!

Saturday June 21, 2014
Off to the Races
To celebrate Bryce's birthday I surprised him with tickets to the Lucas Oil Off Road Races at Miller Motorsports Park. We had a lot of fun! It was super hot and we got all sweaty. I got a silly sunburn where I missed the sunscreen. Bryce was in heaven! It was fun to see his little boy smile as the big, loud trucks raced in the dirt.

 After the races we went to Lucky 13 in Salt Lake. We heard that this bar had the best burgers in town. They were delicious! Of course we just had water with our delicious burgers! Neither of us had ever been in a bar before, so we had to take a picture! (The sun was really bright)
 (Delicious Hamburgers!)

June 22, 2014
 Happy 23rd Birthday Bryce
I bought some flies for fly fishing and a fly case for Bryce for his birthday. I had no idea how to pick the flies out at Cabela's. It was probably hilarious to watch me pretend like I knew what I was doing. As I picked out the flies I thought, "If I were a fish would I eat this fly?" Luckily a worker noticed my struggles and came to help me pick some good flies for Bryce. He was so excited!
 (Make a wish!)

On June 23rd we had a birthday dinner for Bryce with my family. 
Mom made him this huge birthday cookie.

Drive In
We went to the drive in on June 28th to see How to Train your Dragon 2 and Maleficent. I had to take a nap to make sure I could stay awake for both movies. We put a mattress in the back of Bryce's truck and it was perfect. Desiree, Blake, Gus, Mom, Dad, Dixon, Jeff, Dustin and Katie all came to the drive in as well. It was so fun!  

 One of my favorite things to do on my Friday's off is hang out with Dez and my favorite little guy Gus. Isn't he adorable?

I really like the picture below. Bryce and Dix are the best of friends. It makes me smile. Dixon often tells me that he and Bryce will go to Disneyland without me. How rude!

 I'm also getting better at cutting Bryce's hair. Here is a before picture. However, I forgot to take a picture after the haircut was done. (Oops)

 Happy 4th of July!!
 The day started off with a wonderful breakfast at Desiree and Blake's house. A lot of the Family was in town for the reunion. We had a lot of fun!
 (We were asked to bring fruit. We wanted to make sure the watermelon would be safe on the trip to Lehi, so Bryce seat-belted it in. Haha).

Stadium of Fire and Carrie Underwood
Saying, 'I love Carrie Underwood,' is an understatement! I was so excited to see her at the stadium of fire! We went with Dustin, Katie and Melissa. We got some delicious food at the Tropical Cafe and then went to the show. I might have cried when Carrie sang. Okay, okay, I definitely cried!
(It's hard to tell in the picture above, but there was trampoline dudes dressed as superheros and did crazy flips and stuff. It was awesome!)
And of course the amazing fire works!

 Family Reunion July 5, 2014
 The last time we had a Hall family reunion was 11 years ago. Since then there have been 13 weddings and 15 great grand children born! Our family has grown so much. However, we are still the same as we were when we were little, we all had so much fun. We decorated T-shirts, went swimming, had an epic talent show, and ended it with fireworks.
(The front of our shirts was our names. On the back mine said "Oh Blast" because I say that all the time and Bryce had a Batman symbol.) 

The Little Girls (even though we are all grown up) together again!

The talent show was awesome! The girl cousins did a dance to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

The hit of the talent show was the boys Synchronized Swimming! I was crying because I was laughing so hard! 

Shoulder massage circle! We are so creative!


Fire works!

Girl Cousins! We tried to make a real pyramid and failed miserably. So we did this. It still turned out really cute! All grown up and still great friends! I love my family!