

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Ashby Adventure Begins

I came home from serving and LDS Mission in Houston Texas, June 26, 2012. 
(Can't believe it has already almost been two years!)

Bryce came home from serving his LDS Mission in Buenos Aries South Argentina in July of 2012.

We were set up on a blind date on August 24, 2012. We went bowling and got some yummy frozen yogurt for our first date. We had a great time! I was amazed at how we were able to talk and laugh together so easily. Something felt different with Bryce, he was such a gentleman and treated me like a princess. We quickly became the best of friends and began dating exclusively.  Things happened fast and we were engaged November 3, 2012.

I never knew that I could be my complete self with someone and they would love me for who I am. We continued to learn more about each other and enjoyed seeing each other as much as we could. We were able to take our engagement pictures in Disneyland and New Port Beach in December 2012.

We were sealed for time and all eternity on February 23, 2013 in the Draper Utah Temple. Best decision I ever made. Yes, it was freezing and snowing, but it was still the most perfect wedding day! 

 We learned a lot about ourselves and each other in our 1st year of marriage. I am amazed at the wonderful man that Bryce is. There were bumps in the road and tears shed, but also lots of laughs and good times together. Most importantly we grew closer together as a couple. We saved up money all year and we celebrated our 1st year Wedding Anniversary in Disneyland! It was so much fun!
(We made these cute shirts!)

Now we have been married 16 months! I love Bryce more and more every day! I'm so thankful we have the chance to learn and grow and face this life together.

Here is to many more adventures to come!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute! Keep blogging so I can read of your adventures and I'll try to update my blog so you can read mine. :) I'm so glad we are sisters!
